quarta-feira, abril 25, 2018


Starting our trip in Notting Hill 

At Wild at Heart - a very famous and beautiful flower shop

Having lunch at Farm Girl - we heard so much about this place and it is gorgeous, but the plate we ate wasn't that good

Cute shopping bags at a Notting Hill store

More flowers just because

Every house is just so gorgeous

One of the most amazing buildings I've seen in my entire life - and it's a museum

The typical London picture, am I right?

First time eating at Five Guys

Chegamos a Londres na Terça-feira, por volta das 9h da manhã. Apanhamos o comboio para o centro da cidade e, de seguida, o metro para o hotel. Já lá tínhamos ficado o ano passado e adoramos, por isso optamos pelo mesmo! Chegamos lá e fizemos uma pequena tour pelos novos espaços do hotel (mais sobre isso noutro post), fomos pousar tudo ao quarto e rumamos a Notting Hill. Demos uma volta e fomos almoçar ao Farm Girl - já tínhamos ouvido falar imenso e decidimos experimentar. O espaço é super giro e não sei quanto ao resto da ementa, mas as tostas de abacate que pedimos não eram lá grande coisa. Após o almoço e mais umas voltinha, fomos ao Museu de História Natural, mas como fomos um pouco em cima da hora de fecho, não conseguimos ver tudo o que queríamos. Entretanto voltamos lá no dia a seguir e super aconselho, o museu é brutal! Após isso, fomos para South Kensington - outra zona super gira e com lojas maravilhosas, apesar de um pouco caras. Acabamos por jantar por lá e depois demos o dia por encerrado. O segundo dia começou em Covent Garden, outra zona que adoro e que não me importo nada de revisitar. Almoçamos no Five Guys (foi a primeira vez e gostei bastante, mas fast food não é bem a minha praia) e, como disse, voltamos ao museu - desta vez conseguimos aproveitar para ver tudo. Jantamos num restaurante italiano mesmo em frente ao hotel (é só atravessar a rua) e estava ótimo, super aconselho. E acabou assim o segundo dia. Preparados para mais? Espero que gostem e tenham um bom dia! Beijo

We arrived in London on Tuesday around 9am. We took the train to the centre and the underground to our hotel. We stayed in the same one that last year because we loved it so much! We arrived there and received a full tour, since they have lots of new spaces we didn't knew yet (more about that in another post), put everything in the room and went straight to Notting Hill. Walked around a bit and went have lunch at Farm Girl - a place we hear so much about and really wanted to try. The space is super cute and I don't know how 'bout the rest of the menu, but our avocado toasts weren't that good. After that we went to the neighborhood and then to the Natural History Museum. We arrived a little on time so we wasn't able to see all of it but we went back the day after and the museum is amazing, I highly recommend! After that we went to South Kensington to do a little window shopping and ended up having dinner there. The day was over and we went back to the hotel. Second day started at Covent Garden, a place I like so much and we had lunch at Five Guys for the first time. It's good, but fast food isn't really my thing. Went back to the museum as I said and we had time to see everything! Went back to the hotel and had dinner at an italian restaurant right across the street. It was very good too. And that's it! Are you ready for more? Hope you like it and have a nice day! Kisses


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